Libro Imperial Armour: Modelling AFVs of the Japanese Army 1939-2020. 84 pagine. Dagli anni '30 le forze armate del Giappone hanno schierato un'ampia gamma di veicoli corazzati da combattimento, dalle minuscole tankette ai moderni carri armati da combattimento all'avanguardia. Questo nuovo libro di 84 pagine di Guideline Publications e del team che ti offre Military Modelcraft International presenta una serie di guide passo passo e articoli di riferimento sugli AFV giapponesi dal 1939 a oggi. Utilizzando kit di Dragon, Finemolds e Tamiya, alcuni dei migliori modellisti della scuderia MMI esaminano la costruzione, i dettagli, la verniciatura e l'invecchiamento, mentre articoli di riferimento approfonditi esaminano le armature giapponesi nella seconda guerra mondiale e oggi. Oltre a collezionare e reinventare alcuni deiCon i migliori articoli sull'argomento pubblicati da MMI negli ultimi dieci anni e oltre, il libro presenta nuovi contenuti che ispireranno e informeranno chiunque voglia cimentarsi in un progetto di armatura giapponese.
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Vai al carrelloLibro Color Conundrum Compendium N.3 - 84 pagine di Paul Lucas.Guideline Publications è lieta di annunciare il terzo "Colour Conundrum Compendium".Questo volume raccoglie due gruppi di articoli, il primo che tratta degli schemi e dei colori "esotici" di terra e mare tropicali della RAF dal 1933 al 1945, mentre il secondo si occupa degli insoliti schemi e colori di ricognizione fotografica della RAF dal 1939 al 1945. Come il Compendio n.2, questo volume contiene nuovo materiale che non è stato precedentemente pubblicato in Scale Aircraft Modelling. Questi due nuovi enigmi contengono materiale che si inserisce nella sezione Schemi per terra e mare tropicali in modo tale che il risultato è un volume contenente più informazioni sullo sviluppo e sul possibile utilizzo di questi schemi di quanto sia mai apparso prima su tre temi. : la RAF nella seconda guerra mondiale, la flotta aerea del dopoguerra e i prodotti correlati dell'industria aeronautica degli Stati Uniti che sono intrecciati con entrambe le altre aree tematiche. A questo è stato aggiunto un capitolo completamente nuovo sui B-17C di 90 Sqn del 1941, che insieme alle 4 pagine di aggiornamenti che presentano nuove scoperte su alcuni argomenti, costituisce altre 12.000 parole inedite.Citando ampiamente fonti primarie, gli articoli forniscono anche preziose informazioni sull'organizzazione e l'amministrazione dell'aeronautica militare e sulle molte migliaia di documenti e promemoria passati di ufficio in ufficio dietro le quinte, fornendo retroscena e comprensione che aggiungono profondità e focus al un modello, nonché un'opportunità per comprendere il motivo per cui una specifica combinazione di colori potrebbe essere stata selezionata o rifiutata.Con una ricerca originale basata sui documenti sopravvissuti nell'Archivio Nazionale di Kew, lo scopo di questi articoli è gettare nuova luce su alcune vecchie domande, sfidare alcune opinioni di lunga data sul camuffamento e sulla segnaletica degli aerei e porre nuove domande che erano emerse come una questione risultato della ricerca di cui non si conoscevano ancora le risposte.
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Vai al carrelloColour Conundrum Compendium No.2(including previously published material and updates) By Paul LucasColour Art work by Mark Rolfe and Jan Polc Author Paul LucasGuideline Publications is pleased to announce the second 'Colour Conundrum Compendium'.With this further release the Author focuses on three themes: the RAF in the Second World War, the Post War Fleet Air Arm, and related products of the United States' aviation industry that are intertwined with both the other subject areas. To this has been added a completely new chapter on the B-17Cs of 90 Sqn in 1941, which along with the 4 pages of updates presenting new findings on some of the subjects, makes for an additional 12,000 previously unpublished words.Quoting extensively from primary sources, the articles also provide valuable insight into the organisation and administration of the air force, and the many thousands of documents and memos that passed from office to office behind the scenes, providing background and understanding that add depth and focus to a model, as well as an opportunity to understand why a specific colour scheme may have been either selected or rejected.With original research based on surviving records in the National Archive at Kew the aim of these articles is to throw fresh light upon some old questions, to challenge some long held views on aircraft camouflage and markings, and to pose new questions that had arisen as a result of the research to which the answers were not yet known.
Colour Conundrum authored by Paul Lucas with updated content to bring this right up to date. 84 pages.
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Vai al carrelloGuideline in Action 2 Atlantic Resolve Nato’s Show of Strength in Europe 2014-2020. Atlantic Resolve is a response to Russia's actions in Ukraine, mainly the war in Donbass, and is funded under the European Reassurance Initiative. The US took several immediate steps to demonstrate solidarity with NATO, such as augmenting the air, ground and naval presence in the region, and enhancing previously scheduled exercises. The US is taking measures to improve NATO military plans and defence capabilities, and remains committed to maintaining a persistent presence in Central and Eastern Europe. This second Guideline in Action looks at the US Air Force’s recent deployments in support of Atlantic Resolve, US Army aviation assets, and multinational training exercises, as well as the transport and logistics efforts behind the maintenance of the front line squadrons. 84 pages perfect bound
Combat Colours No.9 Nicholas Millman Mitsubishi Zero - Type 0 Carrier Fighter (A6M) 'Zeke' in World War Two. No.9 in the series charts the colour schemes and markings worn by this iconic Japanese naval fighter which saw service throughout the whole of the Pacific War from 1940 in China, to the final defence of the homeland in 1945. Structured chronologically by variant, it covers the development from the A6M1 to A6M7/8, including the floatplane A6M2-N 'Rufe' and the A6M2-K two-seat trainers, with colour profiles, four-views and illustrations. It includes in detail examples of all the main schemes worn by the Zero and their colours
Airlift Force RAF Transport Command 1948-1967 Consider, for a moment, these three Royal Air Force Command titles:- "Royal Air Force Bomber Command"- a name that, for many, may generate imposing images of Wellingtons, Halifaxes, Stirlings, Lancasters, Mosquitos, Lincolns, BAC/EE Canberra s, and the V-Bombers; "Royal Air Force Fighter Command"- a Command title that readily conjures up exciting images of Hurricanes, Spitfires, Tempests, Meteors, Vampires, Hunters, and Lightnings; "Royal Air Force Coastal Command"- a renowned name that may prompt dramatic over-water images of Sunderlands, Beaufighters, Mosquitos, Catalinas, Liberators, and Shackletons. Now, consider the title "Royal Air Force Transport Command"... to many readers this may prompt images of huge formations of Dakotas, disgorging paratroops over Normandy, Arnhem, or the Rhine; others will have a recollection of the Berlin Airlift. On the other hand, many of us will recall seeing, and ignoring, the occasional Argosy, Beverley, Bristol Britannia , Hastings, Comet, or, perhaps, a VC-10, in the static park at a Battle of Britain Open Day, while they aimed their cameras at the Hunters, Javelins, Lightnings, V-Bombers, or Shackletons on show- these were the exciting defenders of these isles; and those others..? "They're just superannuated airliners", as a school-friend airily dismissed Transport Command's contribution to a Battle of Britain Open Day, at RAF Biggin Hill in the mid-1960s, when we two were teenagers. 92 pages perfect bound
Scale Aircraft Modelling Vol.41 Issue 5 July 2019
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Vai al carrelloAircraft in Profile - British Classics Volume 1 Issue 2 Aircraft in Profile US Navy and Air Force Vol 1 issue 2 Aircraft in Profile is a monthly section occupying the centre pages of Scale Aircraft Modelling magazine providing an initial 'first step' in researching an aircraft type, and is aimed at those readers who have had little previous interest in its subject, rather than those with expert knowledge. The section outlines the history and development of its chosen type providing a context for a modelling project, while the plans and drawings are designed to expand upon this and we hope we hope will be of use or interest to both modellers and aviation enthusiasts alike Issue two collects six US Navy and Air Force subjects following a number of requests to provide the material in book form. 72 pages
Guideline In Action 1 Atlantic Resolve NATO's show of strength in Europe 2014-2018 Volume 1: Armour by David Grummitt. A 64-page reference/photo album Atlantic Resolve: NATO's Show of Strength 2014-2018. A reference to modern NATO, especially US, and partner nations (esp. Ukraine) armour on exercise in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, the Baltic States and Germany.
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Vai al carrelloAircraft in Profile - British Classics Volume 1 Issue 1
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Vai al carrelloCamouflage & Markings 3: The Israeli Air Force Part One 1948-1967
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Vai al carrelloCamouflage & Markings 2: The Battle For Britain-RAF May to December 1940
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Vai al carrelloCamouflage & Markings 6: The air campaign for the freedom of Lybia
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Vai al carrelloStrategic Force Bomber Command 1950-1968
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Vai al carrelloCombat Colours 8: Spitfire in WWII
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Vai al carrelloCamouflage & Markings 1: RAF Fighters 1945-1950 UK Based
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Vai al carrelloCamouflage & Markings 5: RAF Fighters 1945-1950 Overseas Base
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Vai al carrelloCombat Colours 4: Pearl Harbor and beyond- December 1941-May 1942
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