Libro Operazione Eldorado Canyon | Il bombardamento americano del 1986 sulla Libia - HARPIA PUBLISHING.Se venisse chiesto di individuare l’inizio della guerra contro l’estremismo islamico, la maggior parte probabilmente direbbe l’11 settembre 2001. Tuttavia, esiste da secoli una tensione tra le autocrazie islamiche e i governi occidentali. All'inizio degli anni '80, l'uomo nero del giorno era Muammar Gheddafi della Libia, che sponsorizzò numerosi atti di terrorismo in tutta Europa. Dopo che una serie di attacchi provocarono la morte di americani, il presidente degli Stati Uniti Ronald Reagan decise di contrattaccare.L'operazione Eldorado Canyon è solitamente ricordata come una missione a lungo raggio da parte degli F-111 con sede in Gran Bretagna. Tuttavia, si trattava di una missione incredibilmente complessa che coinvolse due portaerei della Marina e un piano di rifornimento aereo unico che coinvolse più della metà dell'allora nuovo inventario di navi cisterna KC-10. Per la prima volta vengono descritti gli eventi che hanno portato a questa operazione, comprese operazioni di emergenza precedentemente non rivelate, missioni che mettono alla prova la capacità degli F-111 di effettuare una missione così estesa e la missione stessa da parte degli equipaggi che l'hanno volata.L'USAF ha classificato 'per sempre' i nomi degli equipaggi dell'F-111 che hanno partecipato alla missione. Dopo una riunione di 20 anni dei partecipanti alla RAF Lakenheath, uno dei pianificatori, Jim Rotramel, iniziò a raccogliere i loro ricordi. Successivamente è stato in grado di espandere la storia per includere la parte KC-10 della missione. Infine, grazie all'appartenenza informale agli Old Geezer Fighter Pilots, entrò in contatto con i veterani della Marina che parteciparono non solo all'Eldorado Canyon, ma anche all'Operazione Prairie Fire il mese prima che vide il primo impiego in combattimento dell'anti-nave Harpoon. missile.Come ogni debriefing di un pilota di caccia post-missione, questo libro espone lo svolgimento della missione: il buono, il cattivo, il brutto e persino il divertente! È una visione davvero unica di cosa significhi pianificare ed eseguire questa audace missione e di come sarebbe potuta finire in un disastro umiliante in diversi punti.
Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles | Current Types, Ordnance and OperationsThe field of unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) is rapidly diversifying as an array of light, midsized, and heavy UCAVs and munitions enter the global marketplace. This has the potential to dramatically expand access to armed unmanned platforms and change the way unmanned aerial vehicles are used in combat. The influence of UCAVs on the conduct of war has already been felt in conflicts in the Caucasus, the Middle East and North Africa, where state and non-state actors have fielded a dizzying number of UCAVs from around the world. At the same time, advanced militaries are beginning to equip UCAVs with increasingly sophisticated munitions, some of which are heavier and can fly farther than the types of weapons used by UCAVs in the past.In Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles: Aircraft, Ordnance and Operations, a Strategic Handbook from Harpia Publishing, Gettinger presents an essential guide to the world of armed unmanned aircraft. It features profiles of every UCAV currently in active military service or under development, as well as other UAVs that could potentially be armed in the future. By parsing publicly available information and data, Gettinger offers a detailed timeline of the design and use of these armed UAVs. This Strategic Handbook includes, for the first time, a discerning and comprehensive study of UCAV munitions, offering readers a unique perspective into a segment of the UCAV market that portends an expansive combat role for unmanned combat aircraft long into the future.
Red Dragon 'Flankers' | China's Prolific 'Flanker' FamilyNoted for its exceptional performance, the Sukhoi Su-27 is not only one of the most capable fourth-generation fighters but its development history is also remarkably rich.The ‘Flanker’ story took on a new industrial and political dimension when the Su-27 was chosen by China to meet the People’s Liberation Army Air Force’s requirement for a new fourth-generation type.This was a win-win-situation: Russia received a much-needed multi-billion-dollar contract and the PLAAF, for the first time, obtained a true high-end fourth-generation fighter. However, what followed was a complex drama, with both sides telling different stories. Following the direct sale from Russia, China obtained a contract for licence manufacturing. This yielded mixed success in the beginning and by the time the manufacturing procedures had evolved and improved, the licenced J-11 fighters no longer met the PLAAF’s requirements.Subsequently, China developed indigenous variants of the ‘Flanker’ equipped with improved avionics, weapons, and engines, which Russia regards as a breach of the formal agreement. Regardless of whether these ‘Sino-Flankers’ are illegal copies, evolved clones or indigenous versions, the Chinese ‘Flanker’ series ultimately evolved into a wide range of variants, sometimes with no true counterparts in Russia.This book provides a full overview of the Chinese ‘Flanker’ family, describing the genesis of this family and providing a review of the variants, their systems, and capabilities and how they are used by the People’s Liberation Army.
Modern Taiwanese Air Power | The Republic of China Air Force TodayThe sovereign status of Taiwan – or the Republic of China – has been a source of instability in the Asia-Pacific region for much of the last 70 years. While Taiwan is a de facto independent state with a vibrant democracy, the Communist-led People’s Republic of China sees it as a breakaway province. With Chinese President Xi Jinping having made reunification a central pillar of his vision for China amid rising tensions between China and the United States, the potential for a military flashpoint along the narrow Taiwan Strait cannot be overstated.The strategy of the Republic of China Armed Forces is to present Beijing with a credible deterrent, and should this fail, defend against a People’s Liberation Army attack and possible invasion. The Republic of China Air Force (ROCAF) is charged with the defence of airspace over and around Taiwan and enabling military operations in land and sea domains. If necessary but controversially, it could also conduct strike missions into China as part of a multi-pronged offensive effort.While the ROCAF is relatively well-equipped and trained, attempts to modernise have been hit by political and fiscal challenges. The ROCAF has made some headway with mid-life upgrades for the majority of its more than 20-year-old fighter fleet and will receive a much-needed boost with the introduction of F-16C/D Block 70 jets in the coming years. However, it still lacks many force-multiplier capabilities such as aerial refuelling and electronic warfare. Amid qualitative and quantitative improvements to the People’s Liberation Army air combat fleets, the military balance across the Taiwan Strait continues to tip towards Mainland China.This book provides a comprehensive study of Taiwan’s air force with in-depth analysis backed by high-quality images. It examines ROCAF combat capabilities today, its aircraft fleet, and what the future holds for the air arm.
Cuban MiGs | The Defenders of Castro's Air ForceThe Fuerza Aérea Revolucionaria (FAR), one of the most powerful and little-publicised air forces in the Americas, had Mikoyan-Gurevich (MiG) fighters as its main fighter aircraft, both in the defence of Cuban territory against the threat of US invasion and in support of Cuban leader’s efforts to export their revolutionary ideals. The book casts an unprecedented look at the introduction and utilisation of all MiG models in Cuban service, since their arrival before the Cuban Missile Crisis, to current times, going through all of the conflicts in which Cuba was involved, from incidents with the Dominican Republic (Operación Pico) and the Bahamas, to its entanglements in wars in Vietnam, Syria, Guinea, Southern Yemen, Angola, Ethiopia and Nicaragua, and the recent apprehension of 'export goods' to North Korea in the Panama Canal.The story of military aviation in Cuba before the arrival of the MiGs is also briefly presented, from the beginning of their air corps and its role in the political crises that affected the country, in Castro's Revolution and the ill-fated attempted invasion at the Bay of Pigs, contextualising the times when they happened.This is the result of extensive research using Cuban publications, documents, interviews with former pilots, historians and contributions by veteran Cuban airmen both in exile and residing in their homeland. The book is richly illustrated with over 170 photographs and colour profiles detailing the history of all twenty models of MiG fighters operated by Cuba from 1962 to the present.
AMX | Brazilian-Italian Fighter-BomberItaly began work on a new fighter-bomber in the late 1970s, aiming to field an aircraft capable of surviving in heavily defended Cold War airspace, flying at very low level, and releasing its weapons deep in enemy territory with a high degree of accuracy. In the early 1980s, Brazil joined the programme, resulting in the AMX.Subsonic, the new fighter-bomber has also proven well suited to the types of conflicts that have proliferated in the last 25 years and has served the Italian Air Force well during close air support, interdiction and reconnaissance missions.For Brazil, the AMX brought 21st-century capabilities to its air force, introducing advanced avionics and systems including a head-up display, radar warning receiver, chaff and flare countermeasures, identification friend or foe, and other new concepts. In this way, the AMX provided the Brazilian Air Force with a useful stepping-stone to the Super Tucano and the modernised F-5 Tiger II.Most importantly, the AMX had a huge impact on the Brazilian defence industry, which developed new technologies and infrastructures that helped drive both military and civilian programmes developed by Embraer from the 1990s onwards, including the E-Jet family and the KC-390 transport.This book is a must-have for specialists and enthusiasts alike, containing exclusive material, including photos and interviews that have never previously been published, and first-hand accounts of tactics and operations.
Arab MiGs Volume 6: October 1973 War: Part 2 Arab MiGs Volume 6 continues Harpia Publishing’s renowned coverage of air actions by Arab air forces during the October 1973 Arab-Israeli War. After researching in the Middle East for more than 40 years, interviewing and discussing the fighting in detail with pilots, participants and eyewitnesses from almost every unit involved, the authors provide the first ever coherent narrative of this air war.
Russia's Airlaunched Weapons The contents of this work encompasses the strategic air-launched weapons that comprise a vital element of Russia’s nuclear forces, including little-known free-fall bombs, strategic and theatre-level air-to-surface missiles, and future projects such as exotic hypersonic weapons. Significant coverage is given over to the uniquely diverse range of tactical air-to-surface missiles, including details of their production, guidance methods and applications, with exhaustive tables of specifications. Study of Russian air-to-air missiles includes close-combat, medium-range and long-range types, while inclusion of helicopter-launched missiles extends the scope of the work to anti-armour weapons. As well as free-fall and guided bombs, offensive stores under scrutiny include rockets of all types, while a chapter on naval weapons includes important stores ranging from anti-submarine torpedoes and missiles to depth charges and various types of mine. Not neglected are the guns and gun pods that make up an important part of Russian aircraft’s arsenals.
Modern Chinese Warplanes - Naval Aviation - Aircraft and Units Due to China's strong dependence/reliance on its economic development but also due to its rising political ambitions with the aim to resume a central role in the regional and global affairs, it is vital for China to show some sort of military presence in its area of influence. Consequently, within the past decade, China's military - in both strategic considerations and the modernisation of procedures and material as well - has undergone some of the most profound reforms since its establishment and the Chinese Navy and its Naval Air Arm play an ever more increasing role to achieve these goals. The 2016-released National ‘white paper' has emphasized a greater focus on the seas and clearly stated that China's has to establish itself as a major maritime power. Consequently, the PLN will shift its focus from 'offshore waters defence' to an 'open seas protection'. That means in parallel to the PLAAF's modernisations, the changes for the PLN - and concerning the scope off the book the Naval Aviation - will be probably even more dramatic when the Naval Aviation creates a modern, capable 'Blue Water' force. In terms of modern systems, the PLNAF will steadily increase its naval capabilities by introducing more modern multirole-capable systems but most important by the establishment of an indigenous carrier force. Similar to the original Modern Chinese Warplanes and Flashpoint China books, this uniquely compact yet
Modern Chinese Warplanes | Chinese Air Force - Aircraft and Units In 2012 the original Modern Chinese Warplanes set the standard as a uniquely compact yet comprehensive directory of modern Chinese air power, combining magnificent illustrations and in-depth analysis. Now almost six years later, much of the fascination that Chinese military aviation holds for the analyst and enthusiast still stems from the thick veil of secrecy that surrounds it. However, in the time that has passed since the first edition a plethora of new types, systems and weapons has been revealed. What is more, the structure of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) has been completely revised by transforming the former Military Regions into Theatre Commands. In parallel, the general structure has been thoroughly modernised to cope with China’s latest challenges. Consequently, this fully revised edition is organised in three parts: the most important military aircraft and their weapons found in service today; aircraft markings and serial number systems; and orders of battle for the PLAAF. The study includes the latest developments emerging from behind the ‘Great Wall’, including the J-20 stealth fighter programme, Y-20 strategic transport and the latest developments in UAVs that are equipping a rapidly modernising air arm. The centrepiece consists of almost 100 fully illustrated pages detailing the organisational structure of the air force, providing an easy-to-use review of all known flying units, their equipment and their markings. No other book has ever attempted to present this level of accuracy in this way: Modern Chinese Air Power portrays the PLAAF in a degree of detail that was previously unavailable.service today; aircraft markings and serial number systems; recent modernisation efforts and structural reforms and orders of battle for the PLA’s Army Aviation.
Modern Chinese Warplanes | Chinese Army Aviation - Aircraft and Units Compared to the People’s Liberation Army Air Force and Naval Aviation, the PLA’s Army Aviation is the least known und understood of the country’s air arms. Its formation was only approved in 1986 and it was established as the Army Aviation Corps in January 1988, using helicopters inherited from the Air Force. Beginning as a single regiment, the first true Army Aviation brigade was formed in 2009 and the force has now expanded to around a dozen frontline units operating hundreds of different helicopters. In its current form, Army Aviation has established itself as a major force in support of the PLA Ground Forces. In April 2017 – and in parallel with China’s other two air arms – the Army Aviation began a dramatic reorganisation. The former PLA Group Armies were restructured, and the aviation units have undergone major changes. This trend has included not only the introduction of larger numbers of more modern helicopters, but also the establishment of newly numbered aviation brigades. Consequently, while the PLA Ground Forces generally face a reduction in numbers, the Army Aviation brigades will probably see expansion, not only in size but also in operational importance. Complementing Harpia’s two fully revised volumes dedicated to the PLAAF and Naval Aviation, this uniquely compact yet comprehensive directory provides a magnificently illustrated, in-depth analysis and directory of modern Chinese Army Aviation air power. It is organised in four parts: the most important military aircraft and their weapons in service today; aircraft markings and serial number systems; recent modernisation efforts and structural reforms and orders of battle for the PLA’s Army Aviation.
Latin American Mirages - Mirage III/Mirage 5/Mirage F.1/Mirage 2000 in Service with South American Air Arms For more than four decades, different versions of the classic Dassault Mirage fighter have served as some of the most potent combat aircraft in Latin America. Equipping the air forces of seven South American nations in significant quantities, the delta-winged jets have seen action in various different wars and internal conflicts, and they continue to fulfil their mission with a number of operators. This book tells the story of all the members of the Mirage family in service with Latin American air arms, with individual histories of the air arms and their constituent units that have operated the Dassault-designed fighter, as well as its Israeli and South African derivatives. The volume provides a comprehensive collection of colour photographs and profile artworks that cover all the variants, plus maps, and tables that illustrate the individual stories of all the aircraft, their units and their various weapons.
Latin American Fighters, A History of Fighter Jets in Service with Latin American Air Arms This book for the first time describes the military fighter jet aviation in Latin America. It covers the eventfull history of fighter jets in 17 countries ranging from Mexico in the north down to Argentina in the south. All countries are covered type by type in chronological order. Information on each aircraft is being provided related to purchase, squadron service, losses, upgrades and service history ending with a table covering the number of delivered aircraft, different types and subtypes, delivery dates and known serial numbers. Each of the over 100 aircraft types mentioned could be coverd with at least one picture. An appendix lists the existing plastic scale model kits in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 scale as wells as decal sheets in regards to the 17 Latin American air forces featured in the book.
IRIAF 2010 - The Modern Iranian Air Force This richly illustrated book describes the current organisation and equipment of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF). Drawing on a wide range of digital photographs, IRIAF 2010 presents all types of combat, transport and training aircraft, as well as helicopters, currently operated by the IRIAF, many of which are supported by captions detailing individual aircraft histories. Following a summary of the air force’s development since its early days in the 1920s, the centrepiece of this volume are 12 chapters that cover all major IRIAF bases and flying units stationed there, as well as a summary of the order of battle, in which all units are also represented in the form of patches worn by their pilots. Covering an often under-reported and misinterpreted topic, and one that is directly influential in the current standoff between Iran, the US and Israel, this book is a unique reference source for scholar and enthusiast alike.
EMB-314 Super Tucano - Brazil's turboprop success story continues Robust to the point of supporting operations on unprepared runways and in an environment with 36°C temperature and humidity at 100 per cent. Independent to operate without any ground support and taking off from narrow and short runways from border Army Battalions. Technological for integrating in a 4th generation cockpit the most modern technology including Datalink, HOTAS, Head-up Display, night and thermal vision and use of up to 1,500kg of conventional and guided weaponry with also ballistic protection for pilots. Unlike other models in its class that were born for advanced training being converted to combat employment, the genesis of Embraer's turboprop single-engine EMB-314 Super Tucano is a robust attack aircraft capable of staying weeks in continuous operation with high availability index and attending to the most varied types of missions. And holds almost nothing from it predecessor EMB-312 Tucano. The two .50 inches machine guns installed inside the wings allow a superior combination of 130 types of armament positioned at five external points under the wings and fuselage. With more than 250 units produced and performing missions ranging from armed reconnaissance, escort, COIN and even air defense, Super Tucano is used by Brazil and 11 other countries. Manufactured under license in the USA, Colombia, Afghanistan, Dominican Republic, Mauritania and Brazil itself have already made real use of the Super Tucano in various occasions. The US may become the next Embraer turboprop operator on close air support flights with a contract that can reach 300 airplanes.
Flashpoint Russia | Russia's Air Power: Capabilities and Structure Russian military aviation has undergone several upheavals in the post-Soviet era. There have been two driving forces behind these changes. First, the Russian experience of air power in conflicts has led to an increasing integration of the various branches of the armed forces. Today’s VKS was created as a result of the absorption of the Air Defence Troops (VPVO) by the Air Force (VVS) in 1998, and then a merger of the Air Force with the Aerospace Defence Troops (VVKO) in 2015. Meanwhile, Russia has adapted to financial realities, with insignificant defence spending throughout the 1990s followed by rapid expansion as the global price of oil increased since the beginning of the 21st century. Mass purchases of aircraft and helicopters began in 2009, and the proportion of modern equipment in Russia’s Aerospace Forces now exceeds 75%. The fourth title in Harpia Publishing’s series on Russian military aviation details all fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters and other aerial vehicles operated by Russia’s military air arms. Like the previous volumes, Flashpoint Russia is a comprehensive reference work, presenting organisational structure and the quantitative potential of Russian military aviation. The centrepiece of the book describes the current order of battle of the Aerospace Forces (VKS) and other operators of military aircraft in Russia and includes all the country’s aviation units. Other chapters cover Russia’s approach to purchases of arms and military equipment, and priority air programmes for the next decade.
EMB-312 Tucano Brazil’s turboprop success story is set to become the definitive English-language reference work on this revolutionary Latin American aerospace product. Written by an expert in the field, this book recounts the story of Embraer’s EMB-312 turboprop trainer, the first aircraft in its class to offer a cockpit and controls equivalent to its fighter contemporaries, as well enough power to match the high-speed manoeuvres of comparable jet trainers. Cheap to fly, capable of operating from unprepared runways and with limited maintenance requirements, the Tucano was Embraer’s first design to be built under license outside Brazil, and more than 660 units were produced for service in 16 countries, seven of which have taken it into combat. Although it is best known as a trainer, this remarkable aircraft has also provided front-line air defence in countries including Paraguay and Honduras. After almost 35 years of service, it remains in widespread use today. This lavishly illustrated story of the first-generation Tucano includes accounts of Embraer’s path to global success, service of the EMB-312 in its native Brazil, including with the air force’s display team, licence production for the Royal Air Force and for export as the Shorts Tucano, and a detailed breakdown of every worldwide operator, past and present. Also included is the story of how the EMB-312 began its evolution towards the EMB-314 Super Tucano, which Harpia will cover in a separate book at a future date. Appendices, in typically thorough Harpia style, include a four-view drawing and a full inventory of EMB-312 units and insignia.
Carrier Aviation in the 21st Century, Aircraft carriers and their units in detail The modern aircraft carrier is without doubt one of the most exciting and hazardous operating environments in the field of warfare. The ‘flattop’ is a symbol of global military power without parallel, and it remains a capability beyond reach of all but the most well equipped navies. With the detail, precision and accuracy expected of Harpia Publishing, this latest volume provides a force report of the various air components and associated vessels fielded by those select nations that field fixed-wing-capable aircraft carriers. While the United States maintains a carrier fleet the size of which is almost incomparable to that of its rivals, the coverage of this book also extends to the smaller nations that only possess a single carrier: Brazil, France, Russia and Spain. Meanwhile, full coverage is given over to the navies that are in the process of expanding their burgeoning carrier aviation capabilities, through the introduction of new, indigenously designed carriers and aircraft, namely the Asia-Pacific rivals China and India. Within Europe, chapters are devoted to Italy, currently with two carriers in commission, and the United Kingdom, which will make a historic return to carrier aviation this year. Since the scope of this volume extends to navies operating any carrier that routinely embarks fixed-wing air power, US Navy amphibious assault ships and US Marine Corps aviation assets are also included. Drawing upon a cadre of authors who are experts in their field, Carrier Aviation in the 21st Century continues Harpia’s reputation for providing unprecedented detail and extensive technical specifications, as well as detailing the structure of all the air arms and the individual units that currently embark on board carriers. Illustrations include specially commissioned artworks and diagrams to help illustrate how carrier air power remains an essential element of modern warfare.purchases of arms and military equipment, and priority air programmes for the next decade.
Beyond the Horizon, The History of Airborne Early Warning No modern air force would contemplate a critical air operation without the involvement of some kind of airborne early warning component. For the first time, Harpia Publishing presents the full history of the airborne early warning mission and its various aircraft, from these first tentative steps in World War II up to the present day, and the use of AEW and control (AEW&C) platforms as a familiar ‘force multiplier’ in modern air warfare. Detailed, precise and accurate, Sérgio Santana and Ian Shaw draw upon a myriad of technical data, archive material and extensive interviews with the personnel who have operated AEW&C aircraft throug the years. As well as detailing the development of technology and daily operations of the airborne early warning community, attention is also given to the deployment of these capabilities in combat, from World War II, via Korea and Southeast Asia to the various Arab-Israeli Wars, Operation Desert Storm and more recent campaigns.
Arab MiGs: Volume 1 Starting in 1955, and for the following 20 years, MiG-15 and MiG-17 formed the backbone of several Arab air forces. They played a prominent role in four major wars and dozens of minor incidents. Covering the first decade of this period, this study - Arab MiGs, Volume 1, the first in a series of publications - provides a unique and previously unavailable insight into the service history of both types with five Arab air forces. Even more so, it tells the story of people that flew MiG-15s and MiG-17s in Algeria, Egypt, Iraq and Syria. Several of whom became dominant political figures in most recent history of these countries. The reason why Arab countries began purchasing MiGs and thus became embroiled in the Cold War is approached and discussed from an entirely new and original - Arab - point of view. Details about combat operations during three major wars between Arabs and Israel, as well as the war in Yemen of the 1960s, are reconstructed on basis of primary evidence, foremost in form of original documents and participants' recollections. Aircraft colours, unit insignia, serial- and construction numbers are described in an unprecedented detail.
Arab MiGs Volume 6: October 1973 War: Part 2 Arab MiGs Volume 6 continues Harpia Publishing’s renowned coverage of air actions by Arab air forces during the October 1973 Arab-Israeli War. After researching in the Middle East for more than 40 years, interviewing and discussing the fighting in detail with pilots, participants and eyewitnesses from almost every unit involved, the authors provide the first ever coherent narrative of this air war.
Arab MiGs Volume 5: October 1973 War: Part 1 On 6 October 1973, the Egyptian and Syrian air arms launched an attack on Israeli military installations on the Sinai Peninsula and in the Golan Heights. For Israel, it was a war that started with a surprise and alarming losses in men and material, and was characterised by the deployment of advanced electronics, computers and guided missiles. For the Arabs it was a war of revenge, in the best traditions of ‘guts and glory’. Clearly written and illustrated with a rich and unique collection of exclusive photography and original illustrations, Arab MiGs Volume 5 provides a detailed record of aerial warfare during the opening phases of the October 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict. Drawing on extensive research, declassified information, and interviews with dozens of participants, it recounts the origins, operational history, and battle performance of all the air forces involved. While concentrating on the Arab experiences, Arab MiGs Volume 5 is the first comprehensive analysis of the aerial operations waged by both sides in this conflict.
Arab MiGs Volume 4: The War of Attrition 1967 – 1973 Volume 4 in Harpia Publishing's highly successful Arab MiGs series expands the history of the major Arab air forces that became involved in the wars with Israel during the period 1967 to 1973. It solves the intractable complexity of this violent period by dispassionately outlining the sequence of political and military events — in chronological and geographic order.
Arab MiGs Vol. 2 - Supersonic Fighters: 1958–1967 Largely based on original, previously unavailable documentation from official archives, as well as interviews with participants and eyewitnesses, the second volume in this series is an unprecedented study of the developments of the Egyptian, Iraqi, Syrian, Algerian, Lebanese and Jordanian air forces during the late 1950s and 1960s.
African MiGs Vol. 2 - Madagascar to Zimbabwe – MiGs and Sukhois in Service in Sub-Saharan Africa Completing an in-depth history of the deployment and operations of MiG and Sukhoi fighters (as well as their Chinese-built Chengdu and Shenyang variants) in sub-Saharan Africa, Volume 2 covers 11 additional air forces, from Madagascar to Zimbabwe. This encyclopaedic account is so far the only one of its kind to provide detailed analysis of aerial conflicts including those waged between Ethiopia and Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda, and in Sudan.
African MiGs Vol. 1 - Angola to Ivory Coast – MiGs and Sukhois in Service in Sub-Saharan Africa This second, expanded and fully revised edition of the groundbreaking book African MiGs examines the role and deployment history of MiG- and Sukhoi-designed fighters — as well as their Chinese derivatives — in no fewer than 23 air forces in Sub-Saharan Africa. This first volume, covering 12 air arms from Angola to Ivory Coast, will be followed by a second volume in 2011. In order to ensure precise documentation of every airframe delivered to and operated by the various air forces, special attention is given to illustrations as well as extensive tables of known serial numbers and attrition. The new volume is updated with much exclusive information, photographs and artworks. As such, it provides the most comprehensive and reliable source on the background of each of the features air forces, their organisation and unit designations, deliveries of fighters built by MiG, Sukhoi, Chengdu and Shenyang, camouflage, markings and combat deployment.